On Following Trends and Being Thankful…

So it seems that November is a month of thanks.  I would like to participate, but let’s be honest with each other, shall we?  I won’t blog everyday.  But I will come up with thirty things randomly mentioned throughout the month (with some expectation of spillover into December).  At least I know myself well enough to prepare you (and to pre-allow myself to be lazy).  Thanks self!  (That was just a bonus.)  Now down to business:

In random order, I am firstly thankful for jeans and white shirts.  I wore that yesterday (with my Chucks) and it just made me feel good about myself all day.  I typically wear dresses, so the fact that such a casual outfit can make me feel so much like me while not being me is amazing.  Plus I once saw Jennifer Aniston wearing the same outfit in a movie, so I like to think I was channeling her.  Hey, a girl can live in her own fantasy world right?  I also have a smile like Halle Berry, in case you weren’t aware 🙂

Today I am thankful for my friends.  It has taken me some serious growing up to realize that there are different sorts of friends.

There are your best friends, the people that no matter how much time has passed you know that you will always be in each other’s lives.  You can pick right back up at the drop of a hat and things are amazing.

There are also the friends that are always there for.you.  Come hell or zombie apocalypse, they will pick you up when you’re down or just pick up a bottle of vodka.  It’s nice to know someone has your back.  And sometimes your front.

There are also the people called “friends.”  It has been a long journey to realize that not everyone loves me as I love myself (whodathunk).  And that’s okay (now).  It’s nice to know there are fun people out there with whom I can have fun from time to time.  And who doesn’t love fun?

Then there’s family. They’re friends because of genetics.  Lucky for me, I like them.  So I guess that all worked out.  Plus they’re pretty good people.  Even you, Amanda.

Looks like even after only two days I have some pretty good stuff to be thankful for.  Plus I’m wearing my favorite boots today.  Seems like another excellent start to the day…

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